Application Guide Without Service Fee Guide you how to apply for studying in Hangzhou Dianzi University & Study in hdu

University Scholarship Category
Scholarship for Degree Programs
Type A: Graduate
1 st Prize: RMB30000/Year
2 nd Prize: RMB20000/Year
3 rd Prize: RMB15000/Year
Type B: Undergraduate
1 st Prize: RMB20000/Year
2 nd Prize: RMB15000/Year
3 rd Prize: RMB10000/Year
The above two types of HDU Scholarship are offered to the students pursuing their Bachelor,Master or Doctor Degree programs, including the new students who have received the admission and those who are currently studying at the university.
Scholarship for Non-Degree Program
Type C: Non-degreePrize: RMB6000/Year
This Type of Scholarship is offered to the students studying major courses or Chinese language programs for more than 1 year, including the new students who have received the admission and those who are currently studying at the university.